For a while now, the Sony Mirrorless A7 (S+R) line has been crippled by the limited amount of lenses available for native full frame use. Since many Sony shooters were transitioning over from Canon or Nikon, they often opted for 3rd party adapters from Metabones, Fotodiox or other vendors to attach their existing glass collection to their Sony bodies. However, Autofocus with these adapters has always been a bit fiddly and adjusting aperture sometimes took longer than it should.
In February, Sony surprised the world with some awesome new G Series optics including an 85 1.4 and the long awaited 24-70 f2.8 and 70-200 f2.8 lenses. Premium glass and a premium price. The one lens that has been unusually absent from Sony’s lineup ever since their mirrorless cameras were announced years back was a “nifty fifty.” A budget-friendly, full frame, 50mm is often one of the first prime lenses most manufacturers introduce since it’s the most common focal length and is very close to what the human eye sees. Sure the 55/1.8 Zeiss Sonar has been widely available for a while, but with a retail price close to $1000 many opted to stay with their existing adapted lenses. Sony users finally have something closer in cost to a true nifty/thrifty fifty. With an estimated cost of $248, I’m sure there are a lot of shooters who would prefer to forgo the lens adapters for the new Sony FE 50mm f/1.8.
The other lens just announced is a new Sony FE 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G OSS. Though not quite as fast or cheap (estimated cost: $1,198), many shooters will find this versatile lens a great addition for vacation and action shooting.
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Sony FE 50mm f/1.8

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Sony FE 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G OSS

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Sony’s New G Master Series Lenses
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If they keep going at this rate, Sony could actually hit their goal of 13 new E-Mount lenses in 2016. Either way, I’m really looking forward to playing with all of these lens when they become available.
More details available on DP Review