Hawaii Shoots Hangout April 2014: Gimbals, Stabilizers & Aerials

We're really excited to have our April hangout event at Olelo Community Media's main office in Mapunapuna, Hawaii. We'll take a tour of their facilities before getting settled in their large studio space to talk

By |April 10th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Gear, Meet Ups|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Hawaii Shoots Hangout April 2014: Gimbals, Stabilizers & Aerials

Intro to DSLR Workshop Wrap up

We had a great turnout for our first workshop of 2014. We had lots of new faces and returning friends came to check learn more or contribute to our conversation about shooting DSLR Video. Jeremy

By |January 25th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Meet Ups|Comments Off on Intro to DSLR Workshop Wrap up
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